DS106 Video Assignment: Dear Sixteen Year Old, Me

This DS106 Video Assignment didn’t take too much time to record, but it did take a while to think about what I was going to say.  Most of it is light, but I do talk a bit serious for a couple of moments.  Recorded this with my iMac webcam, cut together in iMovie and even put in a Fine Young Cannibals tune from 1988.   Not sure if the music was a nice compliment or a bit of a distraction.   Comments appreciated.

4 thoughts on “DS106 Video Assignment: Dear Sixteen Year Old, Me”

  1. Mark,

    Thanks for sharing! You open up a lot about yourself and experiences thought the advice you give to the 16 year old you. I thought your message was reflected in your music choice and both gave the mood of upbeat nostalgia. Nice job.

    1. Thanks Darren. Was thinking about Guns N’ Roses “Patience” as an alternate track, but I think was a better selection.

    2. Hey Mark, that was an interesting assignment. It was interesting to me, as a girl, to hear you, as a boy speaking to important topics of the heart. I wonder if we had had a message waiting for us when we turned 16 from someone older/wiser if we would’ve heeded their advise. I thought the music was nice, not knowing the artist…didn’t really sway me one way or the other, it just had a nice feel. If you had done this without some sort of background music, it probably would’ve seemed odd. Nice job putting yourself out there! That was fun!

  2. Why turning parts of a modern movie into a silent movie? I wondered while reading about this ds106 video assignment . I had no idea but was just intrigued by the idea to do so.

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